
The ecommerce machine eBay has been steadily beefing up its marketplace, and our integration with them has followed suit. Take a look at this list of updates.

Flexible listings

Long story short, we now work with GTC, or Good ‘Til Cancelled.


Merchants can choose the out-of-stock control option to keep product listings alive and avoid cancellation once inventory hits zero. And if you’re down to let a listing end, we also have your back. Instead of having to manually create a product listing again when your fresh stock arrives, we can bring back it back in its original form automatically.

For even more specifics on how to implement these options, crack open this support article on the topic. It has all the variations regarding out of stock that you need.


Augmented auction feature

If you’re more of an auctioneer, you’ll be pleased to know that we support inventory quantity updates. When a product is on an auction while also being offered on another of your sales channels, our multichannel capabilities will now update each, including your eBay store, with the accurate inventory levels.

Order import improvements

We’re all about getting your business up-to-date as quick as possible, so we were a little impatient in the past when requesting information from eBay. But we’ve become a master of the wonderful virtue of patience, and now give eBay time to relay data back to Ordoro.

Also, if you’ve got a SIS (Send Information to Seller) type of payment option, we will import the order but tag it to keep it from being mixed up with your paid-for orders. With that, it’s possible to have customers pay via phone or in person while keeping your backoffice as organized and in-line as possible.


Photo: Flickr, Ryan Fanshaw