Staying organized throughout the year—as a business—is tough. You have official documents and business paperwork to file electronically and in hardcopy. Next, there is the inventory, which includes management of information about costs of goods and the number of items purchased by customers. You also have the physical…
How accurate is your inventory count? Do you have an effective inventory measurement system? Organizations that regularly keep an accurate inventory count find they receive multiple benefits. These are: Ability to deliver excellent customer serviceReduction of operating costsAccurate data for your financial recordsAccurate shipping lead timesPrecise schedule of…
Average Order Value (AOV) is one of the metrics used to understand revenue and profit growth for your business. Let’s take a look at average order value meaning and the AOV formula. Why is AOV important for your company? What is Average Order Value? No matter how good…
Ecommerce holiday planning for 2021 is something you must do to increase revenue throughout the year. Many companies see 40% of their sales during the holiday season. Since COVID-19, the ecommerce sector has grown exponentially and continues to grow – and you definitely do not want to be…
Holiday Shipping 2021 Getting ready for the holidays can be stressful enough! Everyone is busy making travel plans, buying presents, and trying to figure out when they need to ship those presents in order to get them there before the big day. As a thank you, many also…
The world has been turned upside down by Covid-19 and we will see its lasting effects for years to come. But, how has it affected the world of ecommerce and growing businesses? We’ve got the tea and a few tips on how to best manage the growth.
The following is a guest post from Joshua O’Connell, VP of Partnerships at Zoey, one of our latest integrations. As the news surfaces of more retail outlets announcing downsizing or going bankrupt, it is looking increasingly like 2017 is the year where retail begins to show the effects of years…
We’ve passed the holidays. Hopefully the many customers you made are more than happy with whatever it is they purchased from you. Now is a nice time to ask for a review. But that begs the question — when should merchants send post-purchase emails for feedback and solicited reviews?…
Effective January 22nd, USPS is set to raise (and, in some cases, lower) their shipping rates. With the exception of First Class, the rate changes we’ll walk through are based on Commercial Plus Pricing (CPP), a type of discounted rate we’re able to secure for our customers that’s much…