


The Weight is Over As we scale the app to meet the demands of e-retailers and 3PLs large and small, we realized an essential feature just had to make its way into your workflow — we now have USB scale support! On the Order List page, you will…

A new place to sell This marketplace is well established, well funded, and… well, a big opportunity. Joining the ranks of Amazon, Etsy, and eBay, Walmart is now an official Ordoro integration!  Get selling, syncing, and shipping in a heartbeat on a new sales channel just in time…

Ready, set, workflow The holidays are here, and there’s no time like the present to prepare your workflow for the barrage of orders to come in the next weeks. Since Ordoro 3 launched nearly a year ago, plenty of features and options have made their way into the…

Raise your workflow’s bar Just in time for the holiday season, we’ve released a new feature the likes of which Santa’s elves would envy: Barcode Scanning! For errorless and (mostly) effortless picking and packing, you can now enter what we call “Packing Mode” and begin scanning and verifying…

Master the Multichannel We’ve launched a new, highly-requested feature that’s sure to help you better manage the multichannel: an Amazon Listing Creator! It’s no secret that Amazon is king of the jungle when it comes to ecommerce, and a major part of selling on the marketplace is creating product…

Less is more. 7X more. When we launched Ordoro 3, we vowed to accelerate and optimize your workflow. Now, close to year later, we’re delivering once again on that promise with a streamlined Orders page! We’ve made more room for efficiency on the page by reducing the amount…

Write Back to the Right Channel We’re bringing some multi-warehouse magic to the way you manage inventory — you now have the ability to set your inventory quantity by warehouse and by channel! In Cart Settings, you can assign warehouses to specific carts, allowing you to pick and…

Get Your Eyes on Our Guides Surcharges, returns, 3PLs, SKUs… ship gets complicated, so we’ve published a new section on our website for your viewing pleasure: Ordoro Guides! Through them, we’ll — you guessed it — guide you through the intricacies of shipping and inventory management, and inform…

More ‘Ifs’ and ‘Thens’ Our Automation Rules have been reducing clicks and increasing the speed of your workflow for quite a while now. And they’ve received another dose of automation with our latest update. You can now create rules that contain multiple conditions! Feel free to configure rules…

Stop the Music We have an announcement — Reverb, a marketplace all about music gear, is now integrated with Ordoro! If you’re selling anything music-related, from guitar strings to speakers, it’s a sales channel that’s sure to strike a chord with you. Take note of it!