We thought we’ll share some nerdy cool Twitter jokes on the NSA PRISM scandal.
I totally misunderstood when AT&T and Verizon said they were moving to shared data plans.
— Ina Fried (@inafried) June 7, 2013
AOL totally participated in PRISM, but only at dial up speeds.
— Alexia Tsotsis (@alexia) June 7, 2013
PRISM: Your Gmail, Google, Facebook, Skype data all in one place. The NSA just beat out like 30 startups to this idea.
— Aaron Levie (@levie) June 6, 2013
I fully expect the NSA to announce its building the ultimate ad network and retargeting product any day now. — Startup L. Jackson (@StartupLJackson) June 7, 2013
Skype call not working well for me today. Assuming NSA is out of cassette tape. — Paul Kedrosky (@pkedrosky) June 7, 2013
In Focus: NSA Wiretap Reveals Subject May Be Paying Too Much For Long-Distance onion.com/13q33TD
— The Onion (@TheOnion) June 7, 2013
Lol “@delfuego: Greatest thing about PRISM is that it appears I can cancel my @backupify account; the NSA is backing everything up for me!
— Mark Suster (@msuster) June 7, 2013
via http://obamaischeckingyouremail.tumblr.com