
You’ve Got Auto-Options

Last month, we introduced Automation Rules to Ordoro 3 that allow the app to automatically tag incoming orders based on certain merchant-selected criteria.

As promised, we’ve expanded the criteria available. From bill-to and ship-to information to an order’s grand total and customer notes, you now have more options to auto-tag and filter your orders by.


Ending Credit Card Info Woes

Sometimes it’s the little hurdles that end up being the biggest roadblocks to your workflow. We’ve recently knocked one down — if you’re purchasing postage through Endicia, you’re now able to update your credit card information within Ordoro.

Saving Print Settings

It’s Ordoro custom to cut out extra clicks, so we’ve tweaked custom print settings. When creating print settings for special snowflake shipping labels, it’s now possible to save them for future orders — no more remembering and re-entering.

Get accustomed to Ordoro 3 now!