Map Requested Shipping Methods from Sales Channel to FBA Shipping Methods

If you use FBA to fulfill products from your non-Amazon sales channels, you can now map the sales channel-specific requested shipping methods to the standard FBA shipping methods in Settings.
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Adjust Inventory Quantity by Amount

Instead of just being able to manually adjust an inventory count by changing its absolute value, we’ve added new functionality that allows you to enter the amount you’d like to adjust your overall count by and the math is done for you. This handy tool is available on the Products page and in CSV imports.
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Improved Return To Address Functionality for RMAs

You can now enter whatever Return To address your heart desires for an RMA — before AND after it’s been created. As a bonus, we’ve also provided shortcuts to existing warehouse and supplier addresses to help you fill the Return To form faster.

Associated RMAs Linked from Order

Links to RMAs initiated for an order are now listed in the expanded view, Order Detail page and Return Label tab of the action panel.

Ship From Alias 

We’ve added “Ship From Alias” to the Profiles section in Settings. If this value is filled in for a profile, it will replace the warehouse name that appears on shipping labels. This is very handy if you have multiple brands or sales channels that ship from the same location.
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Custom Text for Customer Notes Label on Packing Lists

From the Packing List Profile page in settings, you can now enter custom text (like “Gift Message”) for the label that appears next to any customer notes on your packing list. The default label will remain as “Customer Notes” if the field is left blank.

User Permissions: Update Inventory

As an admin for your company, you can now set a permission for your users to allow or prevent them from being able to update inventory.
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Update Ship From Location When Creating Labels in Bulk

You can now update the Ship From location for a batch of labels in the bulk action panel.
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Packing List Location Sort

You can now sort your packing list by warehouse location in alphabetical and reverse alphabetical order.

Hide Kit Parents on Packing List

We’ve added a new packing list configuration option that allows you to just show kit components on a packing list.

Profiles in Presets

We’ve added profiles as one of the parameters you can include in a shipping preset. You can also get extra fancy and build an automation rule with that preset.
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