Welcome to your go-to spot for Ordoro’s latest product updates, new features, and bug fixes to keep your workflow running smoothly

Product Updates

Big news for our Etsy sellers

Ordoro now supports Etsy’s “Ship By Date” feature! This means you can easily see the promised ship date right in Ordoro, helping you stay on top of your shipping game and prioritize orders like a pro. You can even sort and filter by the date for some next-level organization. Etsy’s now in good company—Amazon sellers have been loving this feature, and now it’s all yours too!

Ready to ship like a boss? Get ahead with Etsy’s Ship By Date feature. 

Shopify sellers, say goodbye to manual customs info—Ordoro’s got you covered with automatic imports

Ordoro now auto-fills your product customs info—yep, that’s the Harmonized Code and Country of Origin—during the initial product import. That means fewer clicks, less hassle, and smoother international shipping. Now your customs info will be ready to go when you are creating labels. More importantly, you can breeze through those overseas orders like a pro!

Want to see it in action? Start shipping across borders with ease.

Tag, you’re it

Product Tagging in Ordoro just got a serious upgrade. Now you can create tags straight from the Product page with a single click. Boom! 💥 Use tags to easily categorize and organize your products, orders, and even purchase orders. More importantly, you can also filter and apply them automatically for ultimate efficiency.

Tag in and level up your product tagging.

Your purchase orders just got a PDF upgrade

We heard you! Now when you send a Purchase Order (PO) to a supplier, a PDF copy will automatically be attached to the email. This makes it easier for suppliers to print for their records or use as a pick list. No more worrying about formatting issues or missing attachments—just smooth, seamless POs every time! 

Want the full scoop? Learn how to send seamless POs.

Bug Fixes

  • The kink causing UPS Hazmat label errors is all sorted—your hazardous shipments are back on track.
  • Fixed the packing slips with dropshipment previews—so now it only updates when an order is actually dropshipped.
  • Resolved the issue with return emails—now the correct “Return To” address is displayed.