


Last week, we covered press releases and HAROs, but this week it’s about pitching.  Sometimes, to get a home-run piece of coverage, pitching is the best way to go. It’s a proactive way of connecting with outlets that involves getting the appropriate contact information of a journalist, reporter, or writer,…


Order management systems are the center of the ecommerce wheel that keep all the integrations, or spokes, connected and turning. And using one can have a considerable impact on an ecommerce merchant’s operations. According to a research study performed by Software Advice, a software consulting company, there are significant…

Running a business is the act of creating value for customers, and capturing it for shareholders, through a sustainable competitive advantage. The key to developing and sustaining a competitive advantage is to pursue a specific strategy. In the classical definition, Michael Porter broadly outline three different strategies: Differentiation strategy, low-cost strategy and focus strategy. All…

After the holiday excitement and the rush of retail customers and sales, store employees and managers aren’t able to simply relax and bask in the afterglow of the holiday spirit. Instead, they need to stay on their game – now comes the advancing tide of gift returns! In…

Knowing the difference between push and pull marketing strategies is important when considering how to market your new product. If you are not careful in choosing the correct strategy for your product, your budget could take a big hit. When used correctly, your strategy can create consumer demand and…

Simply put, perceived value pricing refers to the buyer’s perception of a product’s value and how much they are willing to pay for it. A customer’s opinion of your product is more important to them than your product is so knowing what your customer’s needs are will bring…