


Within every business structure are managers. No matter the type of business, a manager’s job is essentially the same across the board but there are four functions of management to consider regardless of the leadership style. In short, those four functions are to plan and implement plans to…

For the most part, mechanistic organization is applied to most all business structures but is predominant in manufacturing while organic organization is best applied to businesses that apply a more open business structure such as online business platforms. MECHANISTIC ORGANIZATION DEFINITION: According to Black’s Law Dictionary mechanistic organization…

When communication flows from the lower levels of a hierarchy; this is known as upward communication. Information to be dispersed is no longer required to follow a specific chain of command in order to reach its intended party. Traditional methods of communication relied solely on a middle man…

New York recently signed into law a bill that will create “New Benefit Corporations” or companies that are not only responsible for maximizing profits but also maximizing social and environmental good. New York is now the seventh state to enact such legislation. The law hearkens back to the…