
Shipping Rate Calculator: Shipper-Specific Package Types
Our shipping rate calculator has been such a hit that we’ve decided to take it to the next level. With this release, you can compare rates for the individual package types of each of our discounted shippers! How much can YOU save?

Purchase Order Tags
A long-time request that’s officially come to fruition: Ordoro users can now apply and filter by tags on POs. Woo-hoo!

Settings: Primary Account Contact
Help us help you. In Settings, users can now enter an email for their Primary Account Contact. This person is the one who works within Ordoro on a daily basis and is the appropriate individual for us to notify with important account-related info like sales channels’ connectivity, migration changes, specific feature updates, and more.

Continuation Pages for USPS Customs Docs
If an international USPS shipment has more than 5 items in it, continuation pages will automatically be created for the customs forms upon label generation. The continuation pages allow up to 30 items to be declared and this feature is available for international USPS labels created via Pitney Bowes.

More External Order Revision Notification Enhancements
In Settings, users can now select the specific sales channels they want to receive external order revision notifications from. Also, when merging any order that has an external revision flagged for it, Ordoro will warn the user of this status in the Merge Order modal.

Updates to QuickBooks Exports
Users that have connected Ordoro to their QuickBooks Online account can enjoy some more flexibility when exporting order data. First off, we now allow you to select which specific sales channels you want to export order data from to QuickBooks. You can also now choose if you’d like to send sales tax as a line item.

User Permissions: Hide All Order Financial Info
In Settings, admins now have the ability to enable or disable displaying order financial info for users in their company.

Bill of Materials/Manufacturing Order Exports
CSV reports for your company’s Manufacturing Orders can now be exported from the Manufacturing section in Ordoro.

Filter by Orders with Shipping Rate Errors
In an effort to make things easier to troubleshoot, you can now filter down to Awaiting Fulfillment orders that received shipping rate errors on the Order List page.

Product Exports: Denote Products Requiring Serial Numbers
We’ve added a column to the Product CSV exports indicating which products are required to have serial numbers associated with them.

Improved Shopify Location/Ordoro Warehouse Mapping
Mapping your Ordoro warehouses to Shopify Locations is critical to keeping your tracking number and inventory writebacks working properly. We’ve improved this experience by prompting users to check their mappings when a new warehouse or a new Shopify store is added in Ordoro.

Bug Fixes

A bug was resolved in which warehouses with the same name were causing subtle issues across the app. To remedy this, we now enforce giving warehouses unique names while they’re being created.