I found this cool website today. Unsuck It. It converts corporate speak into plain English. Here are a few gems – Blue-Sky Thinking : Using your imagination Boil the Ocean : Waste time We can’t boil the ocean, so let’s start by bucketizing the deliverables and picking the…

The Ordoro features page is now live! Please visit the page to see the list of features that we offer in our beta version. The page also has a 60-second overview of how Ordoro can help ecommerce businesses. The current page layout has four sections (one for each…

Guest article by Mark Baartse of TheHolisticWeb Doing split tests on your online shop is one of the best ways to increase your profitability. If you’re not familiar with split testing, there’s two basic types of tests. A/B test – this is when you make two different versions…

What is PCI (PCI_DSS) compliance? PCI stands for Payment Card Industry (Amex, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, etc). PCI_DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. The payment card industry requires anyone who deals with payment card information to be compliant. That is, the industry requires people who handle…

Shopsite today announced the release of version 10 service pack 2 revision 1 (v10 sp2 r1). The new version includes Dashboard functionality Inventory tracking at product “options” level Better social media / email integration Mobile backoffice UI … and more You can also read a detailed list of…

Let us say you are processing 1000+ orders a month via your ecommerce web store. You are shipping all those orders from your warehouse and you are always choosing the cheapest shipping method based on the Ship-To address and the weight of the package. You think you have…

Ever wonder if you are spending money wisely on search advertising? I recently had to go through the exercise to understand terminology and analyze if the money we spent on search engine advertising was really worth it. I figured this would be useful to others looking to do…