Here is a set of 7 tax tips for small businesses – from American Express open forum Pay out the bonus/commission related accrued expenses before March 15th to recognize them for tax purposes. Utilize the up to $250,000 tax deductions on capital expenditure (Section 179) Hire a tax specialist…
Intuitively, you would expect SaaS based technology to drive efficient use of resources and utilities which in turn drives sustainability. Chris Thorman gives this intuition some credibility
It’s impossible to run a company these days without an investment in technology, which can take your operations to another level. But how do you do it economically and without wasting extra cash on needless tech services or products? That’s a question many small businesses are asking, in…
Wall Street Journal tells the story of voluntary adviser groups that offer advice to small businesses. This is a great opportunity for business owners. Some small-business owners say their firms are surviving tough economic times thanks in part to advisory boards they regularly turn to for fresh perspectives…