Following are our 10 most popular blog posts from last year – based on page views. Thank you to all our readers for the continued support.

  1. On free shipping, women customers, and measurement-driven-marketing : Statistics on free shipping policies for ecommerce merchants. Article also discusses the large percentage of female online shopper population.
  2. – Legitimate? Appropriate? : A review of the return fraud protection service –
  3. My favorite sites for small business e-commerce advice : Title is self-explanatory
  4. 4 simple steps to calculate the Cost of Money for your small business : Basic financial calculations for small business owners.
  5. Differentiate through product packaging – The Pangea story : Easy marketing ideas for small businesses. And a case study of Pangea Organics.
  6. 4 questions to ask while deciding inventory levels : Simple ideas on deciding inventory levels for your small business.
  7. How to generate $50 million in revenues selling window blinds online? : Discussion regarding and a few ideas you can implement right away.
  8. When to use an early payment discount? : Explains terms such as “2/10 net 30”. And suggests an easy interest rate calculation to make a decision regarding early payment discounts.
  9. Marketing tips from successful companies : A quote from Tony Hsieh of Zappos.
  10. 4 reasons why most white papers suck! : Why you should blog instead of publishing pdf white papers.

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