Updated on Feb 4, 2011. This promotion is closed now.

The traffic to our sign-up page has been increasing steadily. And we want to boost the conversion rate on that traffic. We want more people to sign-up for our service (even though we may not be able to accept all customers immediately). With that in mind, today we rolled out an incentive program for the users who sign up.

The program is very simple. From among all the new sign-ups that we receive on our website, between today and end of the year, we will pick one lucky winner to receive a brand new iPod Touch (8GB). There is no catch, except that only qualified leads are eligible for the prize. In other words, only ecommerce merchants, and ecommerce web designers qualify for the sweepstake. We are hoping that this constraint will reduce the spam that we are otherwise likely to receive.

So, if you are an ecommerce merchant or an ecommerce web designer, please sign up. Or if you know one, please spread the word. We are eager to see the outcome of this experiment.