In this batch, we’ve got some order searching improvements, product sorting and exporting enhancements, additional return label configurability, and some good ol’ bug fixes.
There are a bunch of goodies in this release including the ability to sort single line orders by SKU, new reports for POs, improvements for bulk updating kits, and some further configurations for dropshipment emails.
For this release, we’ve added product tags, address formatting magic, sales by SKU reports, and a bunch of other small enhancements.
Restore order to your returns workflow Let’s face it — dealing with returns sucks. In fact, we’d bet the farm that no e-commerce business owner has ever woken up in the morning and exclaimed “I can’t wait to deal with my returns today!” Regardless of how painful they can…
You’ve undoubtedly been inundated with emails about COVID-19, so we’ll make this part brief. We sincerely hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy and following the social-distancing measures laid out by the CDC and other officials. We can’t claim to have any expertise on the health-related side…