


SXSW Interactive is known as the place to ‘preview the technology of tomorrow today.’  It attracts thousands to technophiles and entrepreneurs to the Texas capital every spring.  It is simply energizing to interact with so many brilliant people and attend inspiring talks.  Not to mention that it was…

Image Credit: Amanda Tipton For online merchants, preparations for Christmas time should start as early as July, as there’s a lot to do if you’re planning to profit from the considerably increased e-retail sales in late autumn and early winter. In the first part of this blog series,…

Amazon fulfillment centers are taking over the world!  With 89 fulfillment centers and an approximate 203% increase in active worldwide customers in the last 6 years, Amazon is primed (pun intended) for rapid expansion. Here is an infographic from Amazon that shows the expansion they have gone through…

Image Credit: Dorret In the previous part of this blog series, we reviewed the actions businesses should take when preparing for the winter holiday sales in terms of product range and sales channels. This week, it’s time for the field of marketing, which is also extremely important –…

NetSuite’s Brandon Jenkins explains why they bought the order management company Order Motion. via MultiChannel Merchant Here is a transcript – We believe the heart of etail and retail and delivering on the omni-channel promise is order management. If retailers execute flawlessly on order management, they are going…