
small business

Amazon Dropshipping Pros Cons

Selling your products on Amazon seems like a no-brainer. Amazon has a massive reach both geographically and in their customer base. These qualifications mean you can market and sell your product to customers you would never find otherwise and grow your business exponentially. If you’ve already decided to…

Inventory Accuracy

How accurate is your inventory count? Do you have an effective inventory measurement system? Organizations that regularly keep an accurate inventory count find they receive multiple benefits. These are: Ability to deliver excellent customer serviceReduction of operating costsAccurate data for your financial recordsAccurate shipping lead timesPrecise schedule of…

Ecommerce Holiday Checklist

Ecommerce holiday planning for 2021 is something you must do to increase revenue throughout the year. Many companies see 40% of their sales during the holiday season. Since COVID-19, the ecommerce sector has grown exponentially and continues to grow – and you definitely do not want to be…

Image Credit: Dorret In the previous part of this blog series, we reviewed the actions businesses should take when preparing for the winter holiday sales in terms of product range and sales channels. This week, it’s time for the field of marketing, which is also extremely important –…